Saturday, December 10, 2011

Preparing for Baby aka Little Compton

Remember this?

We had quite a project on our hands.  We had an idea of what we wanted to do.  We were looking for a piece of a furniture called a secretary but of course wanted a great deal and the perfect piece.  It needed to have PLENTY of storage space but also look nice and have somewhat of a compact quality once it was finished.  Eric found something that looked like it would work on craigslist.  While we were out on Black Friday, we went and looked at it in Farmington Hills.  Keep in mind we had a vehicle full of shopping bags to start.  We were in luck!  It was exactly what we had been seeking, however ti needed A LOT of work.  After looking closely at it, we could tell that it had been stored outside at some point and was rather marred and scratched up.  It needed work to say the least, but that was the plan.  It actually fit in the Trailblazer which was perfect.  Otherwise, I am not sure what we would have done.  

Check out the before pics...

In process...

And done!  SUPERB in my opinion!  What an amazing transformation.  

Eric doubted that all of my "stuff" would actually fit within the furniture, but he was happily surprised!  I have my jewelry making supplies and the larger dies for my Sizzix machine on the top shelf.  The second shelf has ink and other stamping supplies, my Creative Memories cutting system and many of my embellishments.  The  third shelf has some of my watercolor painting supplies, ribbons, wood beads, and many, many adhesives/glues.

In the open secretary portion, I have stored my scissors, pens, markers, several punches, more adhesives, and my cutting system mats.  I also store whatever project I am working on inside.  Currently, I am working on scrapbooking our 2010 London/Paris trip and keeping my pregnancy journal updated.  I just finished London!  WOO HOO!!!  

In the lower drawers, I've stored many more supplies. In the first drawer, I have more watercolor painting supplies, my stickers, and lots of punches.

The next drawer has so much glitter (LOVE), and some of my stamps.

This drawer has my paper.  This is the only part of this "system" that I do not love.  I think it is the best solution for now, but it is difficult to get to and go through the paper while you are working on a project.  

The last drawer has the rest of my stamps. 

Using the new spot!  Love it!

As I stated in my earlier blog post, I did do some sorting and reorganizing of my supplies before I started moving in to my new spot.  I have a large bag of fun supplies ready for my sister and her kids!  I think she'll enjoy the mixture of items.  

Check out the room as of right now - quite a transformation.  

The desk is listed on craigslist.  We have had some interest and hope to sell it soon.  The bookshelf will be replaced by the one that Eric is going to make for the baby.  I will have to relocate the scrapbooks and crafting books as well.  I am so excited to see all of the baby furniture Eric will be making for the baby over his Christmas holiday break.  It is a really large undertaking but I have confidence.  He is excited too!

Non-traditional Holiday Baking

When I asked my mom what we could bring to the Holbrook Christmas celebration today, she requested my chocolate chip cookies!  Yum!  I love making them and especially love eating them.  They are cooling and will be ready to package up soon for the trek to my aunt's.  

I used my traditional recipe but instead of all of one kind of chip, used one bag of mini-chocolate chips and a half of a bag of white chocolate chips.  These are usually a hit. :)  

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Largest Project of All

Can you even believe that someday in the near future, this will be turned in to a nursery?  I can't!  This is actually looking better.  I am going through things, reorganizing, and reducing.  The bottom line is that it all needs to be taken out of the room.  I have so many craft projects to do before the baby arrives though so it can't all be done quite yet.  Luckily, we have 5 months!  

That white chair is staying in the room.  We bought it for the nursery.  LOVE it.  

Pregnancy Journal

During the early days of being pregnant, I logged SO MANY hours of internet research on all sorts of things.  One thing that kept popping up was the idea of putting together a pregnancy journal.  Stores sell products that you can use but being the slightly crafty girl that I am, I decided to "make my own".  It is quite simple but I love the idea.

I found a very inexpensive journal online to start with.  I used stickers to embellish the front.  I also sprayed an acrylic sealer to help keep the stickers where they need to be.  

I do not plan on typing all of my entries, but I did start this way.  

Detroit Tigers Album Update

I finally found time to scrap our latest Tigers adventure - we visit an away Tigers game each year.  We visited Pittsburgh this year and really enjoyed ourselves.  I limit myself to two pages for each game, which I find difficult.  I like to capture both the game and the city.  

I can't wait to take our little baby to next year's game!!!!  :)  

Monday, July 25, 2011

Bucket List Update

In no particular order:

1.      Travel to London (traveled to London May 2010)
2.      Travel to Paris (traveled to Paris May 2010)
3.      Travel to Australia
4.      Travel to Hawaii
5.      Travel to Alaska
6.      Learn Spanish (enrolled in and attendingSpanish class) 
7.      Go stargazing
8.      Develop craft/creative blog and post regularly (developed in spring 2010)
9.      Go on a road trip with my hubby, Eric, to places we’ve never been (Pittsburgh 2011)
10.  Create my dream home
11.  Start a business with Eric
12.  Go scuba diving and/or snorkeling
13.  Compete in a Triathlon
14.  Swim with dolphins
15.  Volunteer to help children in need (volunteered with Make a Wish in July 2010 but will continue to do so)
16.  Achieve my ideal weight
17.  Run a 10K (possibly the Run Scream Run 10K in October, 2011)
18.  Really learn to golf
19.  Make a positive difference in someone’s life
20.  Plant and grow tomatoes (planted and growing)
21.  Plant and grow a garden (planted and growing)
22.  Visit all of the MLB parks with the hubs (our progress)
23.  Take the SPHR test and pass (at my next recertification)
24.  Become a bit of a minimalist (not sure how far we’ll go yet but definitely want to cut back on owning and buying unnecessary “stuff”)
25. Compile a joint bucket and travel priority list

SheROX Triathlon

A little over a week ago I competed in my first triathlon.  It was grueling to say the least!  I had thought that doing one sounded like a good idea but earlier this spring really thought about it and signed up for one!  A few things that I looked for in my first one were: 1) a .25 mile swim (as opposed to .5 mile which is also common in sprint tris) 2) a women only event and 3) a date that worked.  The SheRox series fit all three requirements.  The event took place on Belle Isle in Detroit.

Due to the fact that I had signed up for a Saturday morning open water swim (OWS) class 6 weeks prior to the event and trained for a little under 8 weeks, I felt ready.  The swim class helped me get over any potential issues I may have had with the swim portion.  I had researched quite a bit of information about triathlon preparations and found that many people struggled with panic and anxiety during the swim portion of the race.

Eric made the early morning trek downtown with me on the morning of the race.  We had been to the site the day before to pick up my packet and listen to a course talk.  Parking wasn't an issue and it was finally really time!  First was the transition area setup.  Your bike is mounted on the bar and you have a small area on the ground to put your other items. I was so thankful to have my best bud, Darci's bike for the event.  Her bike is pretty nice!  I had borrowed it two weeks prior to the event to do a little training with it and get used to the change from my Schwinn.  Looking around, I observed a few useful tips.  I put my bike helmet and sunglasses on the seat. I had already stored my bike water bottle on the bike so it was ready to go.  Next, I laid out my towel (which I wouldn't do again) and put my running shoes, shorts, shirt, hat, and water bottle on top of the towel.  Next time I will put a smaller towel on the ground and keep my larger towel ready to dry off with during the transition time.

Then it was time to head over the swim area.  I went out in to the Detroit River to test the water and get through any jitters I was having.  It was time!!!!!  My wave was second.  There were only 3 - the ovarian cancer survivors, relay teams, and buddy teams were in the first wave.  My wave was the "under 40" wave and then the last one was (obviously) over 40.  Then we were off!  Time to go.  The first part of the swim was odd.  The course ran along the beach and the water was rather shallow.  Therefore many people were trying to walk instead of swim.  This wastes way too much energy.  The course was rather clogged up as a result.  I chose to go off to the side to start swimming and get through the clog.  It worked!  I was actually able to swim at somewhat of a normal pace and get moving.

It was over pretty fast and it was time to enter the transition area.  I took too long but it was my first time.  I used the water bottle to rinse my feet and threw on my running clothes over my swimsuit. Note: after the race I received a tip from another participant.  She said that if you are going to wear your swimsuit through the entire event on a hot day like that day, you can wear a sports bra under your swim suit.  When you are finished swimming, you can pull your suit down around your waste before you put your biking/running shirt on.  I wish I had known this before the event.  Your suit is so tight and not meant to let your skin breathe!  It was so hot and that little bit of exposed area may have helped.  It is definitely useful information for next time.

Next was helmet placement and socks and shoes and off to the bike mounting area!  The course was a double loop which totaled 12.4 miles.  It took me a bit longer than I had hoped.  I had been training at Kensington Metropark and had become used to the hills and "rest" periods that come with going downhill.  This course was flat, flat, flat.  You had to work hard the entire time! :)   I was happy when the bike part was over but then it was time for the run.  I was nervous about this part the most due to the heat!  It was in the mid-80s at 8 a.m. and the humidity was terribly high.  I had decided not to wear the bike shorts and felt it!  I had a hard time working through the transition with my legs and rear end after the biking.  One of my goals for this event was not to walk though and I didn't!  I felt like I was crawling along for a lot of the run course but I really wasn't.  It was miserable - I am not going to lie.

And then....  I saw it - the finish line! I had just run past a very energetic and motivating cheerleader who put a little energy in my run and I couldn't wait to finish!  The finish was amazing as was the entire event.  Participating in this event was unforgettable.  Swimming, biking and running around Belle Isle with the Detroit skyline in my view most of the time was a perfect way to complete my first tri.  Before the event, I thought I might compete in another one two weeks afterwards but decided that I would rather start training for my first 10K and hold off doing another tri until next year.  I think the heat did me in!  I do plan on doing more though.  It was an amazing experience and the training really gets you in to great shape.

My training plan

I had found a pretty good plan online (there are many out there) but ended up adjusting it quite a bit to fit my schedule and strengths and weaknesses.

w/e 5/29

Run 35
w/e 6/5
Run 35
Run 35
Run 30
Bike 40
Run 35
Bike 40
Run 20
w/e 6/12
Bike 40
Swim 45
Bike 50
Bike 25
Run 35
Run 40
Bike 30
Run 45
w/e 6/19
Swim 30
Bike 40
Run 15
Run 35
Strength X
Bike 90
w/e 6/26
Bike 40
Bike 20
Run 40
Run 45
w/e 7/3
Run 40
Run 40
Run 30
Swim 30
Bike 40
Run 15
w/e 7/10
Bike 30
Bike 25
Run 25
Strength X
Bike 50
Swim 10
w/e 7/17
Run 30
Swim 45
Bike 30
Run 35


X means cross training.  Most of the time this was the Nautillis Stairclimber (like you see on The Biggest Loser) and the elliptical. If I swam first, that meant that I did the second part of my workout later in the day. 

The red days were days that I was traveling for work.  I had planned to run on the Vegas strip each morning but got a little freaked out after I heard that someone was stabbed two weeks prior doing the same thing.  I only ran on the strip the first day and then used the cardio room at my hotel the second day. 

The rest days (other than the first 2) were not originally in the training plan but were appreciated.