Friday, April 20, 2012

Baby Jack

It is still hard to believe that Jack has already been out and about in our lives for over a week.  We have been so busy getting to know him and trying to predict his needs as well as working through Eric's finals schedule.  Time is flying by!  

Jack came a bit early.  He was almost 3 weeks early.  For the couple of days prior to his birth, I started to have a feeling he was going to come early.  I had to go to the hospital the day before we ended up going for the "real thing".  It was scary but everything was fine and they told me that he might come early.  Apparently, my feelings were valid.  However, when labor actually began, I was somewhat fooled in to believing that I wasn't having contractions.  Luckily, Eric pushed me to come to the realization that they were contractions.  :)  We headed to the hospital and found out that we were in labor.  Jack came about 5 hours later!  He is amazing!

A to Z Survey

A to Z Survey

A is for age: 34
B is for breakfast today: Frosted Flakes and a banana
C is for currently craving: a good run!
D is for dinner tonight: probably chicken kiev
E is for favorite type of exercise: running or elliptical, right now walking :)
F is for an irrational fear: spiders biting Jack (country living brings wonderful surprises)
G is for gross food: lettuce
H is for hometown: Luna Pier, MI
I is for something important: spending as much time with Jack as possible
J is for current favorite jam: strawberry
K is for kids: 1.5 - Jack (1) and Presley (.5)
L is for current location: my couch
M is for the most recent way you spent money: bought a Living Social deal for a haircut/malibu!
N is for something you need: can't think of anything right now
O is for occupation: Human Resources
P is for pet peeve: finger nail clipping in public places; people who sneeze/cough without covering their mouths
Q is for a quote: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
R is for random fact about you: I love candy.
S is for favorite healthy snack: oatmeal
T is for favorite treat: ice cream
U is for something that makes you unique: I just had a beautiful baby boy last week!  
V is for favorite vegetable: green beans
W is for today’s workout: walking Presley
X is for X-rays you’ve had: shoulder, teeth
Y is for yesterday’s highlight: Eric finished his last final!  WOO HOO!!!
Z is for your time zone: EST