Sunday, June 12, 2011


We visited Pittsburgh in May to watch the Tigers vs Pirates.  It was a great series because a) it was interleague play which means that they do not play each other very often, 
 b) the trip was an "easy" road trip distance-wise,

and c) Pittsburgh is fun!  

We enjoyed the city.  I am an Andy Warhol fan so I definitely wanted to visit his museum there, but it was a bit of a disappointment.  It is hard to explain why but I think it is partly because it was a bit pricey and partly because the museum featured a lot of his video art and less of the art that I enjoy.

The sports area in Pittsburgh is fabuloso!  Near Heinz Field (where the Steelers and Univ of Pitt play), there is a memorial for Fred Rogers.  We both loved Mr. Rogers as kids.  
We went to a game on Friday night.  We had purchased tickets for Saturday's game awhile back but decided to go on Friday as well.  We bought "cheap tickets" for that game. The ballpark is awesome!  I can see why it has been voted as a favorite by fans.  

On Saturday, we took a tour of the park.  We saw everyone getting ready for the night game. 

We visited many areas that we'd never have been able to visit at game time, such as the press box...
and the dugout.

We hung out at some of the local establishments before each game with Eric's co-worker Bob and his dad.  Not long before Saturday's game, we saw this unique fan and had to take a picture.  There were a lot of looks his way FOR SURE!
Then it was time for the game!  We had great seats.  I was able to clearly see my Tigers, Brandon Inge and Miguel Cabrera!
The claw made it!

We also wanted to visit the Duquesne Incline, which we had read about.  It is an old transporation system that takes you in a trolly type car up a steep incline to another area of the city.  It was originally used to bring the residents down to the bottom to work in steel yards.

Amazing views!  We greatly enjoyed the trip. 


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